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Coffee Enterprises Hosts Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importers on Tuesday Oct 14th.

Coffee Analysts’ testing laboratory hosted the coffee producers from the ASOANEI Cooperative,  and conversations with our guests involved coffee supply chain issues and the effects of ROYA in Central America.

From Sustainable Harvest:  Jorge Cuevas from Portland, Oregon, Claudia Rocio Gomoez from Bogota, Colombia, and Oscar Gonzales from Lima, Peru

From ASOANEI – Productores Agroecológicos Santa Marta y Perijá: Aurora Izquierdo and Jorge Paez.

Jorge Cuevas, Jorge Paez, Claudia Rocio Gomoez,Aurora Izquierdo, and Oscar Gonzales

Oscar Gonzales, Spencer Turer, Claudia Rocio Gomoez, Aurora Izquierdo, Dan Cox, Jorge Paez, Jenny Perez, Jorge Cuevas

ASOANEI is an association of indigenous and small farmer agro-ecological producers from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Serrania del Perija. It was founded in 1996 to create an organic farming program that promotes the preservation of indigenous and peasant cultures in north-eastern Colombia. The association is comprised of more than 600 indigenous families belonging to four distinct ethnic groups: the Arhuacos, Koguis, Wiwas, and Kankuamos, as well as small farmers who share a holistic view of forests, rivers, mountains, and animal protection and who value an emphasis on sustainable agriculture. Through the conservation and care for natural resources, ASOANEI seeks to improve living conditions for members and their communities while upholding the values of their ancestral heritage. ASOANEI is a certified Fair-Trade Cooperative.